20 Useful Websites for Students to Bookmark

20 Useful Websites for Students to Bookmark

In today's digital age, students have a wealth of resources at their fingertips to enhance their learning experience. They can buy Cheap Coursework Writing Service from professionals like us or can use the internet to cater to their educational needs. To help students navigate this virtual treasure trove, a list of 20 useful websites that every student should consider bookmarking for easy access has been mentioned below.

1. Google Scholar (scholar.google.com):

Google Scholar is an important resource for academic research for professionals from whom you buy Cheap Assignment Service , as well as, for students. It offers an access to scholarly articles that makes it an invaluable tool for projects.

2. Khan Academy (khanacademy.org):

Khan Academy offers free tutorials and exercises spanning various subjects for interactive learning that caters to different learning styles.

3. Quizlet (quizlet.com):

Quizlet is a go-to for study assistance. Whether it is flashcards or interactive games, Quizlet makes studying engaging and effective.

4. Duolingo (duolingo.com):

Language learning becomes a breeze with Duolingo. Its gamified approach makes acquiring a new language enjoyable and accessible.

5. SparkNotes (sparknotes.com):

When diving into literature, SparkNotes provides comprehensive study guides, helping students in understanding complex themes and concepts.

6. Codecademy (codecademy.com):

As coding becomes a crucial skill, Codecademy offers an interactive platform for learning various programming languages, making coding accessible for beginners.

7. Grammarly (grammarly.com):

Elevate your writing game with Grammarly, a writing assistant that not only corrects grammar but also offers suggestions for improved writing.

8. TED-Ed (ed.ted.com):

TED-Ed combines the power of TED Talks with educational content, delivering engaging lessons through animated videos on a plethora of subjects.

9. Wikipedia (wikipedia.org):

Though it is important to verify information, Wikipedia serves as a quick reference point for an initial understanding of diverse topics.

10. Evernote (evernote.com):

Keep your notes organized with Evernote, a versatile note-taking app that synchronizes seamlessly across devices.

11. Coggle (coggle.it):

For brainstorming and organizing thoughts, Coggle provides an easy-to-use platform for creating mind maps, aiding in visualizing ideas.

12. Mathway (mathway.com):

Struggling with math problems? Mathway helps solve mathematical equations step-by-step, offering assistance across various math topics.

13. Librivox (librivox.org):

Audiobooks can be a great alternative for auditory learners. LibriVox provides free access to classic literature in audio format.

14. JSTOR (jstor.org):

JSTOR is a treasure trove for academic research, offering a plethora of journals, books, and primary source materials.

15. Coursera (coursera.org):

Expand your knowledge with online courses from top universities worldwide. Coursera provides a diverse range of subjects to choose from.

16. Project Gutenberg (gutenberg.org):

Project Gutenberg offers a vast collection of over 60,000 free ebooks, perfect for literature enthusiasts and researchers alike.

17. Crash Course (youtube.com/user/crashcourse):

For visual learners, Crash Course on YouTube provides educational videos that simplify complex topics across various subjects.

18. EasyBib (easybib.com):

Crafting citations is made simple with EasyBib, a citation generator that supports various citation styles.

19. Wolfram Alpha (wolframalpha.com):

Need help with complex mathematical problems? Wolfram Alpha is a computational engine that generates solutions and visualizations.

20. Google Drive (drive.google.com):

Collaborate seamlessly with classmates using Google Drive. Store and share documents, presentations, and other files effortlessly.


The Internet is filled with educational resources, students just need to be aware of them to get the best out of them. Hopefully; the above-mentioned post will help the students in gaining the most from these websites.


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